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Keywords: fPAR, FAPAR, NDVI, EVI, rice paddy, image, Greenness Index, satellite, Sentinel, MODIS, ground observation, LAI, LAI green, LAI total, LAI yellow, grain, special resolution
- Smart Surface Sensing System (4S)
-Automated workflow of the Smart Surface Sensing System (4S).
- Light-emitting diode (LED) sensor specifications compared to MODIS
-The Smart Surface Sensing System (4s). All components are connected, and the microcomputer controls the automated data workflow.
- Comparison of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) observed at midday between the Smart Surface Sensing System (4S) and a Jaz spectrometer in the rice paddy.
-Comparison of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) observed at midday between Smart Surface Sensing System (4s) and a Jaz spectrometer. We averaged the observed EVI and NDVI in four 4S. Graphs (a) and (c) illustrate scatter plots of Jaz spectrometer. Graphs (b) and (d) represent seasonal variations in NDVI and EVI observed by the 4S and Jaz spectrometer.
- Scatterplot of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fPAR) observed by the Smart Surface Sensing System (4S) and the LAI-2200. Red line indicates linear regression between the 4S and LAI-2200 data in the rice paddy.
– (a) Scatterplot of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fPAR, FAPAR) observed by the Smart Surface Sensing System (4s). Red line indicates the linear regression between 4S and LAI-2200 data. Graph (b) represents a time series of fPAR from the 4S and LAI-2200.
- Comparison of the Leaf Area Index (LAI) and green LAI (LAI g) estimated using the Smart Surface Sensing System (4S) with reference LAI, including destructive green LAI (LAIg), destructive total LAI (LAIt), and LAI2200-derived LAI (LAI) in the rice paddy. (NDVI, camera Greenness Index, yellow leaves, fAPAR, fPAR)
-NDVI, fPAR, EVI, yellow leaves. Combination of the camera and LED is useful to estimate green LAI.
- Comparison of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) observed using the Smart Surface Sensing System (4S) and satellite data at different resolutions in the resolution (Sentinel-2, MODIS, Landsat 8, ground observation, in-situ).
-Comparision of NDVI observed using Smart Surface Sensing System (4s) and satellite.
- Comparison of the diurnal patterns of the observed fraction of absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fPAR) with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) on a clear and cloudy day in the rice paddy.
-Diurnal pattern of fPAR (FAPAR) and NDVI.
- Greenness Index (GI or GCC) from the camera in the rice paddy.
Keywords: fPAR, FAPAR, NDVI, EVI, rice paddy, image, Greenness Index, satellite, Sentinel, MODIS, ground observation, LAI, LAI green, LAI total, LAI yellow, grain, special resolution